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Take the next step to where you want to be in your life


Awareness Through Movement and Mindfulness Classes

In this series you will receive a variety of mindfulness practices lasting approximately 15 minutes followed by a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class. 

This is designed to help you be more aware of you body and movement during the week between classes. 

It is useful for those looking for the benefits of ATM and support for their ongoing practice of mindfulness.  It is useful for those looking for more awareness of their body and movement between classes.

Beginners Welcome!

Date:  TBA (there will be no spring session for 2018)

Time:  TBA

Investment: $120 for 8 week series or $20 per single class

You can join the class at any time or come for the whole series.  If you are starting late call to find out the pro-rated series fee.

Functional Integration Sessions

To book a Functional Integration appointment call Alexandra at 416-923-3893